高温隔热保温涂料high temperature insulation heat retaining paint,耐高温隔热保温涂料志盛可抑制高温物体和低温物体的热辐射和热量的传导散失,对物体热量可保持70%不散失,节能率可以高达90%以上,而且水性环保,无毒无害,高温常温下无任何异味。这就是北京志盛威华化工有限公司独家生产销售ZS-1耐高温隔热保温涂料,采用北京志盛威华化工公司特有的无机高温溶液,耐温高,耐温可以达到2000℃。ZS-1耐高温隔热保温涂料选用纯空心陶瓷微珠和其他材料精加工而成,水性无机环保、隔热保温、防火阻燃于一体的节能材料,ZS-1耐高温隔热保温涂料热导系数只有0.03W/m.K,是传统隔热保温材料的导热系数低十倍,隔热保温抑制效率可达90%左右。ZS-1耐高温隔热保温涂料在
ZS-1 high-temperature thermal insulation coatings manufacturers, paint is paste type thermal insulation materials, molding after curing, non-toxic and tasteless, can be painted in a variety of shapes of objects, to facilitate construction. High temperature thermal insulation coatings, the use of Chi Sheng Wei Hua special high-temperature solution, coating temperature can reach 2000 ℃, is an aqueous inorganic, thermal insulation, fire-retardant coating of environmental protection, thermal conductivity coefficient of only 0.03W/mK , can effectively inhibit the heat conduction and radiant heat, thermal insulation efficiency can reach 90% inhibition, inhibit the high-temperature objects and cold objects of the heat loss. ZS-1 high-temperature thermal insulation coatings painted on the surface coated with